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The extent of development of any nation globally is often been determined by the quality and selfless nature of its leaders. However, when there is a culture of impunity in any society and there is a wide spread of lack of leadership by example to enthrone transparent and qualitative public bureaucracy, a degenerated symptoms of underdevelopment continues to manifest as exemplified in Nigeria Public Administration. The manifestation of symptoms of underdevelopment does not imply Nigeria lacks quality and competent human resources to engender development, but the process of enthroning leaders is bedeviled with crisis and it does not provide room for morally upright, competent, visionary leaders to emerge.
Nigeria is richly endowed by providence with human and material resources critical for national development and advancement. However, since gaining political independence,
Nigeria has continued to meander the path befitting failed, weak and “juvenile” states.
A state that had very great prospects at independence and was touted to lead Africa out of the backwoods of underdevelopment and economic dependency, Nigeria is still stuck in the league of very poor, corrupt, underdeveloped, infrastructurally

decaying, crisis driven, morally bankrupt and leadership-deficient countries of the South. Rather than become an exemplar for transformational leadership, modern bureaucracy, national development, national integration and innovation, Nigeria seems to be infamous for whatever is mediocre, corrupt, insanely violent and morally untoward.
History has shown that no nation in the wide world grew and enjoyed steady development in almost all spheres of its national life without experiencing good and selfless political leadership. This is mainly because qualitative growth and development has constantly been a product of good governance. However, a renowned novelist, Chinua
Achebe, in 1984 attributes the root cause of the Nigerian problem to bad leadership. “The trouble with Nigeria,” Achebe argues, is simply and squarely a failure of leadership. There is nothing basically wrong with the Nigerian character. There is nothing wrong with the Nigerian land, climate, water, air, or anything else. The Nigerian problem is the unwillingness or inability of its leaders to rise to their responsibility, to the challenge of personal example, which is the hallmark of true leadership (Achebe, 1984: 1).
Extant literature shows that Nigeria is fraught of poor leadership, corruption and weak bureaucratic institutions. It is an axiom that since attainment of political independent, Nigeria has never been governed by selfless, truly transformational and intellectually endowed leaders.
That is, Nigeria has never selected its best sons to positions of leadership and mediocre leadership can only lead to mediocre government without any serious achievement. What has been common over the years in our governance is the enthronement of clueless, parochial, attitudinal debauchery and uninspiring leaders, with attendant formulation of series of ill-informed and poorly implemented policies/civil service reforms which decapitated the service, leading to the exit of dedicated, competent bureaucrats and provided incentives for corruption. Competent and morally upright leadership engenders strong bureaucratic institutions.

The success or failure of any society depends largely on the attitude and competency of its leadership. Current debates rest on the conclusion that Nigerian leadership suffers from extreme moral depravity and attitudinal debauchery.
Ineffective leadership and corruption have impacted negatively on Nigeria’s democratic stability and her economic development. The majority of Nigerian elected office holders are product of political corruption; they got their party tickets through political godfathers and mandate through election rigging. Corruption is used to acquire and sustain political mandate in Nigeria, leading to grievous consequences of mass poverty, unemployment and insecurity.
The aim of this paper is to investigate the ignominious roles that leadership crisis and corruption have played and are playing in impeding national development in Nigeria. This book will also attempt a historical analysis of leadership crisis and corruption in the Nigerian public sector since independence, with a view to revealing the implications of the twin problems of poor leadership

and corruption in Nigeria on national development; identifying the causes of corruption and leadership crisis in the country and proffering solutions appropriately.
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