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The Better Thing of Yesterday's

The best things of yesterday are no more today. The one of today will be no more tomorrow. What is  latest or in vogue today will tomorrow be out of fashion and obsolete.  Therefore let us think well because today will soon become yesterday and tomorrow will soon be referred to as past. 

Material things do not necessarily bring you happiness. That is a fact of life. It is a hard fact to understand sometimes, especially in a society that tries very hard to teach you otherwise.

Sadly, many have taken for granted not only the most basic material needs of life, but so many people act like they must have every material thing this world produces. We get so focused on acquiring "things," on having the most current "thing," that we lose sight of the fact that these material "things" of this world come and go. They are here today and gone tomorrow. In our drive to have the temporal things of this world, we end up paying very little attention to the eternal things of God

A man is born today, Tomorrow he is dead. A man lives in a mansion today, Tomorrow he lives underground. A man drives a car today, Tomorrow an ambulance drives him. A man reads biology today, Tomorrow a biography is been read of him. A man eats whatever he wants today, Tomorrow he becomes food for insects. A man is always early for work today, Tomorrow he is termed late Mr/Mrs. A man is seen resting in his house today, Tomorrow he is resting in a coffin. And they say "Rest In Peace"!A man eats all kinds of fruits in his house today, Tomorrow he becomes manure to those trees. A man is known today as the richest man ever, Tomorrow he doesn't even know where or what will happen to his riches. What is life after all?

Lifestyle is not a competition and there are different ways to get a lot of things done, different lanes all leading to the same destination. Just because your neighbour is doing things faster does not mean you are failing.
Happiness doesn't come from having everything, but making the best out of what you have, it's all about how you see yourself.
Happiness is not having what you like. Happiness is liking what you have and being contented,  

You were born in a first class hospital, I was delivered at home, we both survived.
You went to a private primary school and I went to a public school, we both ended in the same high school.
You woke up from the bed and I woke from the floor, we both had a peaceful night rest.
Your outfits are all expensive, mine are all simple and cheap, we both still cover our nakedness.
You ate fried rice and roasted chicken, I ate local made food but we both still ate to our satisfaction.
You ride on Lexus jeep, Range Rover, G Wagon, Hummer Jeep and I use public transport but we still got to our various destination.

Don't step on others to get to the top
Don't destroy others to become a success
Don't deceive others to make a living
Stop judging people because you too have your own life to correct.
Don't be a teacher when you are to be a student.
Don't follow the crowd when you don't know what they are following and who they are following.
Don't stop when you are still on your journey.

3 What profit has a man from all his labor  In which he toils under the sun?  

4 One generation passes away, and  another  generation comes;  But the earth abides forever.  

5 The sun also rises, and the sun goes down,  And hastens to the place where it arose.  

6 The wind goes toward the south,  And turns around to the north;  The wind whirls about continually,  And comes again on its circuit.  

7 All the rivers run into the sea,  Yet the sea  is not full;  To the place from which the rivers come,  There they return again.  

8 All things  are full of labor;  Man cannot express  it.  The eye is not satisfied with seeing,  Nor the ear filled with hearing.  

9 That which has been  is what will be,  That which  is done is what will be done,  And  there is nothing new under the sun.  

10 Is there anything of which it may be said,  “See, this  is new”?  It has already been in ancient times before us.  

11 There is no remembrance of former  things,  Nor will there be any remembrance of  things that are  to come  By  those who will come after. (Ecclesiastics 1:3-11)

I REPEAT,  The best things of yesterday are no more today. The one of today will be no more tomorrow. What is the latest or in vogue will tomorrow be out of fashion and obsolete.  Therefore let us think well because today will soon become yesterday and tomorrow will soon be referred to as past.
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