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1.     Right to life

2.    Right to dignity of human persons    

3.    Right to personal liberty

4.   Right to fair hearing

5.   Right to private and family life

6.   Right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion

7.   Right to freedom of expression and the press        

8.   Right to peaceful assembly and association        

9.   Right to freedom of movement

10. Right to freedom from discrimination

11. Right to acquire and own immovable property

12. Right to Compensation for Compulsory acquisition of property

13. Right to no restriction on and derogation from fundamental human rights

14. Right to Free Legal aid

15. Right of equality under the law

16. Right to equal protection under the law

17. Right to security

18. Right to have causes heard in Court

19. Right to appeal decisions of Court

20. Right to asylum

21. Right to freedom from mass expulsion

22. Right to participate in government

23. Right to equal access to public property and public services

24. Right to physical and mental health

25. Right to education

26. Right to take part in community cultural life

27. Right to self-determination

28. Right to economic, social and cultural development

29. Right to peace

30. Right to a clean and satisfactory environment

31. Right to work

32. Right to social security

33. Right to individual social & economic development

34. Right to an adequate standard of living

35. Right to adequate housing

36. Right to the highest attainable standard of health

37.  Right to adequate food

38. Right to water and sanitation

39. Right to family life

40.   Right to benefit from scientific advancement

Compiled by Frank Tietie
Executive Director, Citizens Advocacy for Social & Economic Rights (CASER)
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