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Hate, frustration and the threat of Disintegration- The Nigeria Dilemma

Nigerian Youths stand for Unity and Brotherhood:

In view of the lingering ethnic crises and secessionist threat from some section of our country, we wish to state that it is pertinent for us to come together and collectively resolve our problems and lingering issues. the problems young people are currently facing today were heralded and dropped on them by individuals and politicians who are pursuing their pecuniary gains at the expense of our collective patrimony, but as young people we can decide to live in harmony and through an affirmative action collectively decide what we want to do, and how we want to live our lives in a united, indivisible, sustainable and improved Nigeria.

We are to decide our fate and not the politicians or public servants in their beehive of comfort, who are syphoning the wealth of the nation. Thus, we must collectively pursue our goal through capacity building.

Our problem is not in our numbers, size or diversity, we equivocally condemn all dissenting voices and groups calling for the disintegration of Nigeria. we also condemn in the strongest terms the persistent stand of the political elite that the unity of Nigeria is non-negotiable while beneath the scene they are fanning the ember of disunity and separation for their selfish gain.

We therefore call on the federal government of Nigeria to open up the political space for discussions and dialogue between the various ethnic groups in Nigeria. This will allow for healthy debate and argument which will in turn strengthen the bond of brotherhood and national solidarity

In more précised term we call on the federal government of Nigeria to as a matter of urgency revisit the recommendations of the national confab which were aptly crafted by some of the best minds in Nigeria as a prelude to lasting peace and security.
While some have eloquently argued that we must go back to the ethnic nationalities from which Nigeria was formed, that secession is the answer to the charge of marginalization, others have embraced secession as a counter response to the earlier charge of marginalization, but the AYUC begs to differ, we believe that we are better together than apart. There is no perfect country on earth, there have been intra-national discontent even among the developed nations of the world, a good example of which was the Scottish agitation to secede from the United Kingdom.

It should be realized that most nations of the world are made up of different people, culture, believes and religion, who on most occasion are thrown together by circumstance. The most successful of them have been those who instead of fall into the lure of secession have rather forged unity in diversity. Nigeria is no different, we have more than two hundred ethnic nationalities forged into one within same geographical space. This rather than posing a threat have instead giving us the opportunity to combine all our strength to build a vibrant and viable nation.


There is no gainsaying the fact that groups that are more in diversity always also turns out to be more innovative than less diverse once. Instead of trying to flee into lazy comfort of homogeneity every time we are faced with the frustration of living together, we should rather collectively apply effort to understand and appreciate our differences.
We should also be careful that we do not focus exclusively on the narratives of division at the expenses of the uplifting and inspiring once. Rather than seeing the social media as an avenue for spewing ethnic hatred, we urged youths all over Nigeria to rather see the internet as a variable tool for socialization and for collectively harnessing our strength through knowledge sharing.

We therefore call on all aggrieve groups and regions with the Nigeria federation to cooperate wholly with the current mediation stride of the Federal Government led by the acting President, His Excellency Professor Yemi Osibanjo and allow reasoning and peace to reign as there cannot be any meaningful development in an atmosphere of rancour.

As Advocates of Peace, Economic Justice and Stability; as managers of our destinies and posterity, the Youths of Nigeria, under the auspices of the African Youth Union Commission hereby makes available their commitment for a united Nigeria, driven by the spirit of democracy, freedom and discovery.

We call on all youths of our beloved Country Nigeria, irrespective of our differences or backgrounds to eschew all form of hatred and bitterness for other youths in Nigeria simply because of religious or ethnic differences. we have agreed to sit down and discuss our future, peace and development and never to allow ourselves to become a pun in the hands of some selfish elite who stands to benefit more from our disunity, and we therefore make the following solemn declaration that;

1. Every Nigerian Youth needs to Enjoy the dividend of democracy irrespective of their status, as guaranteed by the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

3. That Every Youth have a stake in the Nigerian National Consciousness of Nation-First.

4. That Nigeria Youths shall no longer tolerate political hopelessness and exclusion

5. That Nigeria Youths shall defend the unity of this Nation, and shall no longer be part of the sentiments; religious, tribal, ethnic or sectarian that continue to set us apart, while creating friction for the sustenance of our sublime unity.

6. That Nigeria Youths, each one of them at all levels, including children, must begin the journey of building capacities and bridging the wide information gap, hence being able to fit in in local, national and international scheme of things.

7. That we must grow to become the envy of our Societies and the ambassadors of good governance, sustainable development and inclusive growth in our nation - Nigeria, in line with the expectations as well as principles enshrined in the actualization of the UN-SDGs 2030 and the African Union Agenda 2063.

8. That we need equal rights and justice as citizens, especially in the protection of lives and properties of every Nigerian devoid of ethnic or religious affiliations.

9. That we must combat in its entirety corruption and corrupt tendencies amongst Nigerian political elites, civil/public servants, private cooperates and individuals. Hence it will be resolved that the Youths must shun all manner of violence inimical to the growth and development of our democracy, supporting and helping to design policy framework that translates to measurable results and sustainable impacts in the lives of all Nigerians, including women and children.

Long Live the Federal Republic of Nigeria,
Long Live the Nigeria Dream

Blessed Jatt
Executive Director
Action for Good Governance, Environmental Right
And Security (AGGERS)

ALSO READ: Your Land Or Your Blood- Adamu Mohammed.


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